Documentation Siemens

Область применения

Explanations on manuals:

  • Operating Instructions
    contain all the information needed to install the device and make electrical connections, information about commissioning and a description of the inverter functions
    Phases of use: Control cabinet construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and servicing
  • Hardware Installation Manual
    contains all relevant information about the intended use of the components of a system (technical specifications, interfaces, dimensional drawings, characteristics, or possible applications), information about installation and electrical connections and information about maintenance and servicing.
    Phases of use: Control cabinet configuration/construction, maintenance and servicing
  • Operating and Installation Instructions (for inverter and accessories)
    contain all relevant information about the intended use of the components, such as technical specifications, interfaces, dimensional drawings, characteristics, or possible applications.
    Phases of use: Control cabinet configuration/construction
  • Configuration Manual EMC Installation Guidelines
    contain all relevant information about EMC-compliant design of control cabinets
    Phases of use: Control cabinet configuration/construction
  • List Manual
    containing all parameters, function charts, and faults/warnings for the product/system as well as their meanings and setting options. It contains parameter data and fault/warning descriptions with functional correlations.
    Phases of use: Commissioning of components that have already been connected, configuration of system functions, fault cause/diagnosis
  • Getting Started
    providing information about getting started for the first-time user as well as references to additional information. It contains information about the basic steps to be taken during commissioning. The information in the other documentation should be carefully observed for all of the other work required.
    Phases of use: Commissioning of components that have already been connected
  • Function Manual
    contains all the relevant information about individual drive functions
    Phases of use: Commissioning of components that have already been connected, configuration of system functions


SINAMICS G120P built-in and wall-mounted units

A comprehensive range of documentation is available for SINAMICS G120P built-in and wall-mounted units. These documents include operating instructions and installation manuals, list manuals and a Getting Started guide.

Information is available in the following formats:

SINAMICS G120P Cabinet

The documentation is provided as standard in the PDF format on CD-ROM, and comprises the following sections:

  • Description
  • Installation instructions
  • Commissioning instructions
  • Description of functions
  • Maintenance information
  • Lists of spare parts

as well as device-specific documentation, such as circuit diagrams, dimensional drawings, layout diagrams and terminal diagrams.

The documentation is provided in English/German as standard supplied with the device. The scope of delivery also includes a CD-ROM with the STARTER commissioning tool.

If one of the languages subsequently listed is required, when ordering this should be specified using the corresponding option order code (⇒ Description of options):


Order code











Configuring documents/documentation available for downloading at:

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