Измерительные устройства на DIN-рейку ABB
- Счетчики электроэнергии
- Модульные измерительные приборы
- Система измерения тока
- Аксессуары для измерительных устройств
Управляй расходом электроэнергии
Managing electrical supply is a priority. Without measuring usage, it is hard to drive efficiency.
Measuring an electrical installation can save effort and money. The addition of energy meters for sub-metering and a circuit monitoring system for branch supervision enables the monitoring of energy usage, from the incoming energy all the way down to the last branch.
- Wide measurement dynamics, that means reliable energy measurement from low to high currents
- Ability to identify where energy could be saved from detailed information of energy usage
- Cost allocation of energy
- Branch supervision of both AC and DC currents
- Three ranges of energy meters, direct connected up to 40 A, 65 A and 80 A or transformer connected
- Wide range, from basic to advanced energy meters connected directly with option of 4Q measurements, tariffs, max/min demand, previous values, load profile, harmonics and THD
- Possibility to connect up to two times 32 sensors to each control unit
- Option of in-built communication, Modbus RTU or M-Bus (energy meters)