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Артикул: 1004183
Extended Product Type:1461A-83
Product ID:2TKA00001606
Catalog Description:1461A-83 Push switch
Long Description:Surface mounting switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 solid or rigid wires. Including switch insert, rocker, surface mounting frame and bottom.
Артикул: 1004184
Extended Product Type:1461A-84
Product ID:2TKA00001604
Catalog Description:1461A-84 Push switch
Long Description:Surface mounting switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 solid or rigid wires. Including switch insert, rocker, surface mounting frame and bottom.
Артикул: 1004185
Extended Product Type:1461UC-84
Product ID:2TKA00000191
Catalog Description:1461UC-84 Push switch
Long Description:Pusch switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires. Including switch insert and rocker.
Артикул: 1004186
Extended Product Type:1465.20
Product ID:2TKA000229G1
Catalog Description:1465.20 Push switch insert
Long Description:5-push switch insert without rockers. Rockers 1785-xx and 1785JA-xx are suitable for the insert. The switch has 2 X-terminals. The X-terminals can be used for extending other wires. No signal light possibility.
Артикул: 1004187
Extended Product Type:1465U
Product ID:2TKA000231G1
Catalog Description:1465U Push switch
Long Description:Push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires.
Артикул: 1004188
Extended Product Type:1465UC-84
Product ID:2TKA00000427
Catalog Description:1465UC-84 Push switch
Long Description:Pusch switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires. Including switch insert and rocker.
Артикул: 1004189
Extended Product Type:1466AK4
Product ID:2TKA000237G1
Catalog Description:1466AK4 Push switch
Long Description:Surface mounting push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires.
Артикул: 1004190
Extended Product Type:1466SW
Product ID:2TKA000238G1
Catalog Description:1466SW Push switch
Long Description:Surface mounting push switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires. Delivered with white and clear lens but without lamp.
Артикул: 1004191
Extended Product Type:1466U
Product ID:2TKA000239G1
Catalog Description:1466U Push switch
Long Description:Push switch with screwless terminals and rocker with clip-on fastening. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires. Lamp not included
Артикул: 1004192
Extended Product Type:1466UC-84
Product ID:2TKA00000430
Catalog Description:1466UC-84 Push switch
Long Description:Pusch switch with screwless terminals. The terminals are for max 2 rigid wires. Including switch insert and rocker.