Endress Hauser — . CompuCal - SCM100
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CompuCal is a high performing software tool that meets all requirements regarding calibration and maintenance management. Developed with key users and proven in industries CompuCal allows to efficiently maintain and calibrate your on-site instrumentation. It fulfills the highest demands of the regulated industries, and at the same time reduces complexity, time and costs associated with the management of the calibration and maintenance activities.
- Controls the maintenance and calibration schedules, issuing work orders and reports as defined by maintenance personnel
- Can attach important documents such as SOP's, Health and Safety sheets, Loop diagrams to each tag
- Incorporates audit trail and high security features
- Full records sheet for each tag allowing all important data to be logged and recorded
- Offers seamless data transfer with other Endress+Hauser Tools - W@M, FieldCare and IBA-C, allowing for quick data import from existing Installed Base Analysis files
CompuCal is suitable for several applications:
CompuCal is designed according to the needs of the Life Science Industries. It allows scheduling, executing and verifying tasks, leaving an audit trail. Embedded documentation allows passing plant audits with no extra efforts. Simple handling and online help allow safe execution for the user. Web based technologies allow operating from any location. Maintenance and calibration tasks can be easily adopted for any industry’s needs.- Controls the maintenance and calibration schedules, issuing work orders and reports as defined by maintenance personnel
Принцип измерения Plant Asset Management Application Task Calibration management
Data management
Documentation & reports
Maintenance managementField of Application CompuCal is a high performing software tool that meets all requirements regarding calibration and maintenance management. Developed with key users and proven in industries CompuCal allows to efficiently maintain and calibrate your on-site instrumentation. It fulfills the highest demands of the regulated industries, and at the same time reduces complexity, time and costs associated with the management of the calibration and maintenance activities. Operating systems CompuCal requires the following minimum hardware and software for servers and client workstations.
(1) Client Workstation:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
(2) Application Server:
The application can reside on one server or on separate servers.
Windows Server 2008 / R2
Internet Explorer 8 / 9 browser
(3) SQL Server:
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 / R2
Database software: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 / R2
(4) Local Installation:
For installations on a local PC or Laptop
Windows 7
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 / R2
Internet Explorer 8 / 9 browserProcessor type (2, 3, 4): Dual processors recommended Main memory (RAM) (1) Client Workstation: 2GB memory or greater (8 GB Recommended)
(2, 3, 4): 4 GB Memory (8 GB Recommended)Hard-disk (HDD) capacity (2, 3): 50 GB or greater disk space
(4) 20 GB or greater disk spaceOther (1, 2, 3, 4) PDF-Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0
(2, 3, 4) Internet Information Services (IIS) version 7Registered Trademarks Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Acrobat Reader is a registered trade mark of the Adobe Systems Incorporated.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies and organisations in question.Руководство по эксплуатации KA112FA6.PDF
О компании Endress Hauser
Endress+Hauser - это швейцарская компания, производящая контрольно-измерительные приборы и системы автоматизации процессов. Компания имеет представительства по всему миру, которые производят приборы изменения уровня, объёмного и массового расхода, плотности, давления и температуры, а также широкий спектр аналитических приборов для определения качества воды по основным показателям (рН/ОВП, проводимость, растворенный кислород, мутность). Endress+Hauser изготавливает широкий спектр приборов, предназначенных для использования в опасных средах и при экстремальных условиях.
Компании эксплуатирует производственные объекты в Германии, Швейцарии, Франции, Великобритании, Италии,Чехии, России, ЮАР, США, Китае, Индии, Японии и Бразилии. Всего в сеть Endress+Хаузер входят 100 компаний в 44 странах.
История1 февраля 1953 года Георг Эндресс и Людвиг Хаузер основали ... Читать далее...