Parker — . R4V/R6V Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valves - R4V06-5351111G0QA1

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- Pilot operated pressure relief valves series R4V (DIN 24340 Form D) and R6V (DIN 24340 Form E) consist of a manually adjusted pilot stage and a seated type main stage. A vent function with a solenoid operated directional valve is available for circulation at minimum pressure. Function: Series R4V/R6V System pressure in port P is applied via the X gallery to the spring loaded cone in the pilot head. The pilot head controls the pressure in the Z area on top of the main cartridge which is additionally kept close by the main spring. If the pilot pressure exceeds the setting pressure the pilot cone opens and thus limits the pilot pressure. When the system pressure exceeds the pilot pressure plus the spring force, the main cartridge opens to port T and limits the pressure in port P to the adjusted level. Series R4V/R6V with vent function Additionally to the relief function, a solenoid operated vent valve connects the Z area to tank. This allows oil circulation from P to T at minimum pressure drop. The vent valve can either be a standard CETOP 03 valve (R6V) or a sandwich unit (R4V). For both types the vent position can be either at the energized or de?energized solenoid. Technical Features • Pilot operated with manual adjustment • 2 interfaces: - R4V Subplate ISO 6264 (DIN 24340 Form D) with VV01 vent valve - R6V Subplate ISO 6264 (DIN 24340 Form E) with CETOP 03 vent valve • 3 pressure stages • 3 adjustment modes: - hand knob - acorn nut with lead seal - cylinder lock • Remote control via port X
Nominal Size: NG25 Size (CETOP Norm): CETOP 08 Interface Option: R4V Pressure Range (bar): 350 Adjustment Type: Hand knob Drain Option: Y port in mounting pattern Switching Options: Vent function: solenoid activated, unpressurized circulation Input Voltage (DC): 24 Input Voltage (AC): na Material - Seals: NBR Additional Options: na Catalogue for Pressure Relief Valves, Manual Operated Series R4V/R6V Standard R4V-R6V_UK.pdf Operation Manual for Proportional Pressure Valves with integrated Electronics RE_-R_V_obe_24-45-A-B_5715-651_UK.pdf
О компании Parker
Компания основана в 1918 году. История компании Parker начинается в 1918 году, когда 33-летний инженер по имени Артур Л. Паркер (Arthur L. Parker) основал компанию Parker Appliance Company. Артур Паркер арендует помещение в Кливленде, штат Огайо, для развития его уникальной разработки, пневматической тормозной системы для грузовых автомобилей и автобусов. Хотя первые года были тяжёлыми, Артур Паркер и его семья проявляли настойчивость. Их тяжелый труд, стремление, и инженерный дух, поддерживали компанию в её первые годы, и спустя много лет, они всё так же продолжают направлять компанию Паркер.
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