Continuous emission monitoring Siemens


The combustion of different fuels causes not only the development of carbon dioxide and water vapor but also other environmentally harmful exhaust gas substances (e.g. dust, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, etc.) Emission limit values are determined for these substances according to the state of combustion engineering. The compliance with these limits does not only protect the environment from air pollutants but also ensures optimum combustion in the combustion plants. Emission measurements are a central element for complying with these limit values.

These measurements are required to document whether legal requirements relating to emission limits are complied with. Emission measurements still serve as warranty from plant constructors to operators that the plant runs in accordance with the specification and the law.

There are two reasons why the measuring and monitoring of flue gases for emission components is one of the key topics in continuous gas analysis. First, because of the necessity to comply with the legal regulations and directives. Second, because process plant operators draw conclusions regarding process efficiency from the gas analysis, for example, in boiler control.

So called Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) are used for the determination of the exhaust gas components. In Europe, they are usually called Automated Measurements Systems (AMS). DIN EN 15267 determines corresponding minimum requirements and testing procedures for automated monitoring systems for the measurement of gases and particulate substances in the exhaust gas of stationary sources as well as for the measurement of the volume flow of the exhaust gas. It provides detailed procedures for the realization of the requirements for the first quality assurance level (QAL1) of DIN EN 14181 and, if required, the access data for the third quality assurance level (QAL 3).

Siemens expertise in the area of products and solutions for process analysis helps you meet all requirements for continuous emission monitoring quickly and smoothly in accordance with regional law. This solution package even ensures a secure investment in case of regulatory adjustments.

According to individual requirements, Siemens offers cold-extractive, hot-extractive, and in-situ automated monitoring systems.

The portfolio is completed by emission evaluation systems for data storage, visualization, remote transmission - permitted according to TA-Luft, 13., 17., 27., 30. and 31. BImSchV

Siemens does not only offer standard solutions but also complete emission analysis systems, e.g. in turnkey analysis containers.