Conoptica AS - CU2 Tool Siemens


CU2 Tool - Intelligent camera-based sensor for non-contact tool measurement

The CU2 Tool sensor head is placed inside the machine tool and communicates directly with the CNC. The camera-based CU2 Tool ensures reliable operation. Proprietary digital cleaning techniques eliminate the effects of contamination (oil, chips, water, etc.) before positions and dimensions for milling, grinding or customer-specific tools are determined.


  • Measurement of tool width, length and radius
  • Performs tool wear analyses
  • Measures out-of-roundness
  • Measurements at spindle operating speed
  • Automatic setup for common milling tools
  • Capability of creating specific measurement arrangements for measuring customer-specific tools
  • Uses reference models
    • Creation of a reference for a milling tool and its sister tools
    • The measurements use the reference to ensure the quality of the result
    • Shared use of references between CU2 tool sensors
  • Choice between optimization of measuring accuracy or measurement speed
  • Shows a live video of the rotating tool and freeze images after tool measurement
  • Flexible mounting by use of bridges or separate configuration


CU2 Tool can be used for the CNC control:

  • SINUMERIK 840D sl:
    • with SINUMERIK PCU 50.5 Windows 7
    • with SINUMERIK TCU


  • High-speed position and geometry measurements for milling and grinding tools
  • Digital correction procedures ensure that results are reliable and precise
  • Unsupervised 24-hour operation possible
  • Camera technology permits the measuring of additional tool types and geometries
  • Measurement of rounded forms improves the accuracy of 5-axis milling operations

Дальнейшая информация

Conoptica AS

Hallsetveien 3

Tel.: +47 72830150

