Endress Hauser — . Online supply chain management SupplyCare Hosting - SCH30

Cloud-based inventory management platform for transparent information within the supply chain


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  • The SupplyCare cloud-based inventory management platform supports users in collaborative demand planning, event-driven replenishment planning and scheduling as well as the reconciliation (in/out) and consolidation (totaling) of geographically distributed inventories. You can involve partners from all entities and even from different companies to make your supply chain smarter. Hosted version on a redundant server infrastructure at Endress+Hauser.


    • Improves demand planning and lowers your inventories
    • Enables business processes such as Vendor and Supplier Managed Inventory (VMI, SMI)
    • Complete solution from inventory measurement and data acquisition to integration in your business processes
    • Worldwide service and support network
    • Faster reaction to supply chain volatilities
    • IT infrastructure within the Endress+Hauser network with full support
    • Complete inventory visibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere around the world, even on mobile devices

    Область применения

    • Monitor product stock in your tanks and silos at your desk or on the go using web browser technology
    • Assign warning and alarm limits as well as theft detection to all monitored inventory data
    • Send or receive e-mail notification, e.g. that replenishment is necessary
    • Export inventory data in universal or standardized format
    • View trends, historical data and events
    • Manage tanks, groups of tanks, customers and products
    • Assign specific viewing rights to suppliers, vendors and internal users
  • Software

    Принцип измеренияInventory Management Solutions
    Application TaskData acquisition
    Data management
    Process monitoring & visualization
    Field of ApplicationSupplyCare Hosting is a "Cloud" technology web-based operating program for the indication and monitoring of levels of e.g. tanks and silos spread all over the world.
    Operating systemsMicrosoft Internet Explorer 7, 8 and 9
    Mozilla Firefox > 3.5

    Other Compatible Browsers:
    - Opera 17.0
    - Safari 5.1 (for Windows)
    - Google Chrome 30.0

    Mobile Devices:
    - Apple iPhone with Safari on iOS6 or later
    - Apple iPad with Safari on iOS6 or later

    Active Scripting enabled
    JavaScript enabled
    Allow cookies
    Enhanced Security Configuration disabled
    OtherSupplyCare Hosting runs securely in an Apache Tomcat-environment on an application server in the "Cloud" hosted and maintained by Endress+Hauser. The operators and administrators operate the application via web browser from theirs desks.
    Registered TrademarksMicrosoft, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2003 and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
    Adobe Reader is a registered trademarks of the Adobe Systems Incorporated.
    Google Maps is a service of Google Incorporated.
    iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
    Safari, iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
    Opera and the O logo are trademarks of Opera Software ASA.
    All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies and organizations in question.
  • Руководство по эксплуатацииBA00050SEN_1614.pdf
Товар на сайте производителя: Endress Hauser SCH30

О компании Endress Hauser

Endress+Hauser - это швейцарская компания, производящая контрольно-измерительные приборы и системы автоматизации процессов. Компания имеет представительства по всему миру, которые производят приборы изменения уровня, объёмного и массового расхода, плотности, давления и температуры, а также широкий спектр аналитических приборов для определения качества воды по основным показателям (рН/ОВП, проводимость, растворенный кислород, мутность). Endress+Hauser изготавливает широкий спектр приборов, предназначенных для использования в опасных средах и при экстремальных условиях.

Компании эксплуатирует производственные объекты в Германии, Швейцарии, Франции, Великобритании, Италии,Чехии, России, ЮАР, США, Китае, Индии, Японии и Бразилии. Всего в сеть Endress+Хаузер входят 100 компаний в 44 странах.


1 февраля 1953 года Георг Эндресс и Людвиг Хаузер основали ... Читать далее...